Unlocking the mystery of 'Earthquake Clouds' - how they form & why - Are they accurate in prediction?
'Earthquake Clouds'- For years, considered a mystery to science with an unknown form of genesis, strange cloud formations have been thought to precede earthquakes. Even ancient Chinese and Italians were aware of unique clouds that gave sign preceding large earthquakes. Sudden formation of long 'snakes' in the sky, where prior was clear and blue, where the deep earth warns in the sky above - how can this be? Modern science of earthquake genesis, called 'brittle fracture theory', is sudden fracture of a fault. Yet these clouds form days before earthquakes. How?
This article will reveal the true mechanism to how, why, and the physics of what causes 'earthquake clouds' - or a proper definition 'Earth Transient Clouds (ETrC). This phenomenon will also demonstrate how popular 'brittle fracture theory' continues to crumble as a feasible argument in how earthquakes really occur. However, 'Earthquake Clouds' are not reliable precursors - this too will be explained & why.
A few terms defined for article discussion:
Scalar wave - A 'mass-less' wave that propagates differently than traditional electromagnetic waves (radio waves). Scalar waves do not oscillate back and forth between magnetic and electrostatic, yet are real waves of energy. Therefore, to sense them, one requires different technology. Traditional radio wave technology will not properly sense pure Scalar waves.
Scalar - A difference in energy potential between two reference points, with a vector. Think of an arrow; the tip to tail length defines the strength; the pointing direction of arrow determines the 3-D direction it is pointing (from-to).
Gyro-scalar – A �precessing’ emanation of scalar wave similar to a rate of wobble to spinning top.
Form in seconds... ...but how?
In China, 1622, referred to as the first successful earthquake prediction in the world - this was based on observing a long cloud suddenly forming in the clear blue sky which was described like a 'long snake'.
Zhonghau Shou
"Ancient Chinese and Italians studied special clouds which were indicative of impending earthquakes. The Chronicle of Lon-De County (35.7 E, 106.1 N) in Ningxia province, China, 300 years ago (recompiled in 1935) recorded. "It was sunny and warm; the sky was blue and clear. Suddenly, there appeared threads of a black cloud spanning the sky like a long snake. The cloud stayed for a long time, so there would be an earthquake"
To understand the real causal mechanism to Earth Transient Clouds, we need to review some physics of earth dynamics. Perhaps, the best review is to examine the current theories science are studying as it aptly reveals some of the problems they face in getting answers.
Scientists seek answers from heat
Some scientists propose that heat from friction of rock rubbing together is a causal mechanism to Earthquake Clouds. This heat is generated over long periods of time (years) as the fault slowly but powerfully rubs rock against rock. Lab testing and physics models predict large amounts of heat - up to 1500C - could be produced (this from scientific analysis of frictional melt and recrystallization of fault rock). Water is proposed to seep into small forming cracks near the fault. Result is a mechanism that generates heated moisture; a source to the formation of clouds above. Add a little convection and some wind patterns - sounds reasonable.
Where's the heat? - 'Heat-Flow Paradox'
Yet, the mighty San Andreas fault in California doesn't generate anywhere near the heat their theories predict. This has led to modifications of the theory, such as a mechanism that 'conducts' the heat away quickly. Another proposal is that the rock is actually 'weak' instead of 'strong', thus far less heat is generated by friction.
Despite new technology, earthquake prediction remains elusive
Stanford Online Report
"Heat-Flow Paradox"
"One of the unresolved controversies is a phenomenon that geophysicists call the Heat-Flow Paradox."
"'The simple-minded idea,' said Kovach, 'is that when you have two blocks of earth grinding against one another, there should be friction, and that should produce some sort of heat'"
"However, scientists probing the San Andreas fault since the 1960's have been unable to detect the amount of heat predicted by simple friction laws."
"'There obviously is heat generated.' Kovach pointed out, 'but it seems to be dissipated in a mysterious fashion that we don't fully understand.'"
Thus some mechanism is conducting the heat away from the friction. If no heat, how are the clouds going to form? Hmmm.
Hot? Cold?- but, studies show heat prior to earthquake
Recent scientific studies from Russia and China are capturing infrared satellite imaging data that shows elevated crustal temperatures prior to large earthquakes. Other sources of thermal anomalies include observation of elevated presence of water vapor (Mexicali Valley, fluid extraction at Cerro Prieto geothermal field) and elevated pressures in petroleum wells (peculiar phenomena of subsurface fluid behavior observed in China preceding earthquakes- Acta Sismologica Sinica 2, No. 4, 425-429).
Anticipating Earthquakes
Science @ NASA, August 11, 2003
"Friedemann Freund, adjunct professor of physics at San Jose State University and a scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center, explains: 'In the 1980's and 90's, Russian and Chinese scientists noticed some strange thermal anomalies associated with earthquakes in Asia - for example, the 1998 Zhangbei earthquake near the Great Wall of China. This earthquake occurred when ground temperatures in the region were around -20C. Just before the quake, thermal sensors detected temperature variations as large as +6 to +9 degrees, according to Chinese documents"
"Satellites equipped with IR cameras could be used to detect these hot spots from space. In fact, when Freund and colleage Dimitar Ouzounov of the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) examined infrared data collected at NASA's Terra satellite, they discovered a warming of the ground in western India just before the powerful January 26, 2001, quake in Gujarat. 'The thermal anomaly was as large as +4C,' says Freund."
OK, now we've got the heat back, although theory can't really explain it. So now how is the rock making the heat?
"But heat is not from Rock" ???
Now it's really getting confusing. Scientists are now reporting that thermal anomalies observed by infrared satellite data indicate that the heat is not from the rock or from 'frictional rubbing'. Just to quickly review what all of this means.
Theory ->Should be Slow Hot - Physics states frictional heat should be present (long period -years).
Theory error ->Is Cold - Scientists can't find the heat - 'Heat-Flow Paradox' - (need theory modification).
Observed -> Fast Hot (satellite data) - Hold on, heat IS observed, but only just prior to earthquake (a puzzle - no theory explains this).
Now the confusing part:
Not from Rock (frequency spectrum) - The heat is not from rock friction or rubbing. (theories are being proposed trying to explain 'not from rock' - i.e. it's an electrical phenomenon).
Anticipating Earthquakes
Science @ NASA, August 11, 2003
"In one laboratory experiment, Freund and colleagues placed red granite blocks under a 1,500 ton press-mimicking in some ways what happens miles below the Earth's surface. A sensitive camera developed at JPL and GSFC monitored the rock and detected infrared emissions. Furthermore, a voltage built up on the rock's surface. This leads Freund to believe the cause might be electrical."
" What causes rocks under pressure to emit infrared radiation? No one is certain. The frequency spectrum of the emissions shows that internal heat from friction-e.g., rocks rubbing together-is not responsible for the radiation."
This is getting messy. Rock should be hot, it's not, but it is hot in a fast way, but heat is not from rocks. However, good philosophers know that 'truth cannot conflict with truth'. In other words, there must be a clean answer to all of these problems. Enter the next step - a further modified complex model proposed by scientists, as proposed by APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation (ACES).
Science proposes yet a further complex model
The result is a potpourri "molecular dynamics principle" of "fracturing, friction, thermal effects, porous flow, thermo-mechanical coupling, thermo-porous coupling, granular dynamics, and the stick-slip instability". In scientific jargon this is a grand recipe that allows for many ingredients (theory) to effect the observable outcome (measured results).
Simulation of Earthquakes
QUAKES - Queensland University Advanced Centre for Earthquake Studies
"The Lattice Solid Model (LSM) (Mora and Place, 1994) is based on molecular dynamics principles and enables nonlinear phenomena to be simulated such as fracturing, friction, thermal effects, porous flow, thermo-mechanical coupling, thermo-porous coupling, granular dynamics, and the stick-slip instability that are responsible for earthquakes."
"A long standing paradox in earthquake studies has been the heat flow paradox, namely: the measured heat flow around the San Andreas fault is at least five times lower than the theoretically predicted value based on the assumption that fault zone effective friction is equal to that of rocks as measured in the laboratory. Earthquake simulations using the lattice solid model show that when a fault gouge develops, the heat produced is up to fifteen times lower than the theoretical prediction and low heat can occur during seismic slip and aseismic creep. This offers the first quantitative and comprehensive potential explanation of this paradox."
Hopefully, in the end, a nice tidy - although complex - outcome will match the theory. Now back to Earthquake Clouds.
What does all of this have to do with Earthquake Clouds?
IF earthquake clouds are truly associated with earthquakes, all theory or models must also be able to explain the causal mechanism(s). So, somewhere in the proposed 'friction, thermal effects, thermo-mechanical coupling, thermo-porous coupling' would explain the how and why these clouds (if true) form. Remember that the clouds are thousands of feet above the earth. A mechanism of complex air currents, water vapor, and prevailing winds would have to interact from the earth to form these unique formations above. This would sound plausible - even reasonable. But these complex theory or models only explain changes which occur slowly for heat or by pressure changes. Nearly in all proposed seismic theories, only the sudden fracture of rock (or release from frictional models) causes immediate action - i.e. the earthquake. So nothing would explain 'Earthquake Clouds' - which form suddenly.
Earthquake Clouds could obsolete careers
Now we get to the real issue. Imagine studying for years to become an expert in a field of study only to discover that fundamental theories taught have suddenly become obsolete. This is what seismologists soon face when they discover the genesis nature of Earthquake Clouds. It gets into a level of physics not taught in current scientific circles (scalar physics), yet is very real and observable in its effects using new technology. This impact carries deep within the earth in the nucleation of the earthquake process. Current seismological theory new or old is not equipped to answer the true earth dynamics. Slow earth conditions cannot explain these. Period.
Patterns (clouds) are result of physical subterranean earth structures (faults, tubes, etc) from refractive effects and from earth transient interference patterns (wavelet summation).
Sudden molecular effects of atmospheric vapor form via ionization/condensation.
Endothermic/Exothermic reactions in atmosphere (fast)
No matter how much theory is modified for heat, fast or slow, seismologists will be dead in the water with any theory of the earth in trying to explain Earth Transient Clouds. Yes, they are real. These clouds form within seconds, thousands of feet above the earth - and can be over a wide area. (not to be confused by slower forming natural atmospherics of 'roller clouds' - Lenticular clouds or standing Lenticulars formed by parallel wind turbulence).
What causes the sudden atmospheric formation?
Powerful earth transient - cause of Earth Transient Clouds)
Special earth instruments measure powerful transient (fast impulse) energy emanating from the earth -as the true cause. At left is a recording of an earth transient (single & local to instrument). This recording is in effect an exact artifact induced into the sensor that is also induced in the atmosphere (including ionosphere). Speed of travel is above mach - yet no sound is heard, this indicates nature of energy is similar to 'electromagnetic'. However, traditional electromagnetic equipment will not properly detect. What is the nature of the energy? The effects are clearly seen in the sensor, but the sensor is designed for scalar detection. A level of ionization occurs in the sensor (weaker impulses detectable by pre-stimulation of sensory material). This effect is exactly how early atomic particle detectors operate - called 'cloud chambers'. These chambers had supersaturated moisture in an air chamber where a fast moving atomic particle would 'ionize' molecules in the chamber. A sudden drop in pressure was induced into the chamber, forming condensation droplets or 'clouds' which tracked the trajectory of the fast atomic particle as it leaves a trail of charged particles (ionized).
This same energy causes sudden temperature effects - Endothermic and/or Exothermic (change of heat; Endothermic absorbs, Exothermic releases).
Three types of 'Earthquake Clouds' (ETrC1-3)
There are three types of Earth Transient Clouds. All Earth Transient Clouds form within 10 to 15 seconds from a powerful earth transient within the crust. ETrC1 type is a long thin singular cloud (up to length of fault) - which could look like a 'snake' if viewed just after formation & prevailing winds alter. This type forms from a powerful transient in a fault where the torpedo like long cloud is parallel above the fault - runs along its length. ETrC2 type is a series of smaller torpedo clouds that are parallel to each other but are transverse to the fault (are 90 degrees to fault line). ETrC3 type is a complex pattern that comprises a mix of wavelets similar to interference pattern or 'Moire effect' due to refraction of geologic structure and transient genesis (nature of). Dissipation of cloud occurs from prevailing winds and atmospheric conditions.
Are these clouds accurate predictors?
Although these sudden forming clouds are caused by powerful transient energy in the crust - and the transient energy is a true genesis process to earthquakes, not all transient series generate the 'traditional earthquake'. A form of an undetectable 'silent quake' does occur from this energy (undetectable by current technology - GPS or seismograph). So in one sense, the energy is real, the earth reacts (its mass), but current science technology cannot measure these results. Only when a certain energy burst - Multi-Phase Burst; which is the genesis to the subsequent mass oscillation - is when the traditional earthquake occurs. These clouds may occur from the earth transients, but they do not mean an earthquake will always follow. This is also true of volcanics - months of transient cycling before any physical events occur (as measured by current science instruments). Yet transverse 'silent' quakes would be ongoing resulting in magma movement including remote heating of resonant structures (such as volcanic throat - i.e. waveguide effect).
So where does the heat come from?
The source of heat is from thousands of transients in the crust from a primary large powerful transient. Recording at right is from Southern California region at San Andreas fault. The powerful primary impulse has the ability to form sudden 'torpedo like' cirrocumulus or cumulus clouds. The sum of the transient energy induces thermal changes in the rock (a more complex effect is gyro-scalar resonance which alters the elastic properties of rock - or the 'modulus of elasticity'). The recording above is just one 'cycle'. Cycles of up to 150 per week are common prior to earthquake. These are what lead up to the traditional 'earthquake' - or oscillation of the crust. What is just being revealed here is the tip of the iceberg in a true and real process which is far different than the road science is traveling.
Powerful primary impulse (in the crust)
Thousands of secondary transients (forms thick black recording from overlap)
A true process - hidden from current theory or conjecture
This true process explains the heat and it explains the clouds. It also explains how the ionosphere too is energized prior to earthquakes. This process explains how 'luminous phenomena' (earthquake lights) occur. It explains how animals are disturbed. It explains how people may sense 'ear tones' or feel discomfort in physical terms. This true process is symbiotic with crustal pressure - how pressure is a main ingredient to the formation of 'transients' deep within faults (or more accurately, within resonant structures). This true process explains many types of earth movements science 'sees' and some science does not 'see' (slow or silent earthquake, earthquake boom, traditional earthquake*, earth 'lurch', fast version of slow earthquake) -[ key to these understanding via 'lobes' of radiative patterns as formed from phased array genesis & frequency base differences; which mass obligingly responds].
Understanding the true nature of this energy will answer what science dearly would desire to conquer - the prediction of earthquakes. This understanding will also allow science to accurately predict volcanics - including the genesis mechanism that generates the newly discovered 'long period' type of earth oscillations associated with volcanic eruptions (another form of fast/slow earthquake mechanism). All of these precursors are easily observed and would allow science to 'see' into the earth in a dynamic way. The same process as a Magnetic Resonance Imaging except the earth generates its own imaging emissions. Volcanic throats and active structures 'resonate' themselves. With the earth having its own gyro-scalar resonant frequencies by latitude (graph below), locale of activity is easily identified from a distance.
And yes, earthquakes are predictable.
I m sorry Terra that I copied your article..
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