Strawberry Juice: Agaphmenoi mou filoi kai files. H douleia einai zoriki. Ta vasana megala ki egw edw xaramata me meli kai me gala. (afto gia to "potami" me thn empnefsh). Ta grammata mou eixan aphxhsh se olo to internet kai dexomai synexeia mynhmata gia to poion tou polyagaphmenou mou masterakou kai diafora alla sxolia (kathos kai kamakia na mhn ta xehname afta, makia makia se olous sas). - Efharistw ton pomakako lefty gia to live ths anametadwshs giati emena apo th sygkinhsh tha me pianane ta klamata. - Molis shmera ematha pos pidhxe thn kukuk.. tora pou katevhke apo thn elvetia sthn ellada. (arage pos einai na to kaneis me hxhtiko efe ena ekkremes?) Kai malista thn ora pou hrthe na me vrei sthn polh mou gia na mou pei pos skeftetai to kalo mou.. Pos egine afto. Me phre h idia se prive dwmatio kai meta gia epivevaiwsh ths thlefwnhsa kati pou mporei na to epivevaiwsei h Vodafone !!! giati mou rthe kapws apithano mias kai ths ekane kamaki o yamaha... A re yamaha sou fagane th gomena mesa apo ta xeria kai pios? o kolitos sou bre!! . As einai kala kai as mh ths kolise kamia metadotikh astheneia, elpizw, etsi pou katanthse (o master). Afta einai ta paratragouda ths agamias (kukuk). Eixe dikio otan mou eipe, pos tora pou metakomise pisw sth gynaika tou mporw na koimamai yshxh giati einai se asfales meros. Kati tha hxere. Omos aporw giati fovatai, kai otan phra thlefwno na th sygxarw (thn apeleftherwmenh syzygo) gia ton phdhkoula ton antra ths aftos ekleine to thlefono. Efoson exoun eleftheres sxeseis ti fovatai arage? (eseis an hsastan sth thesi tou ti tha fovosastan? eh??). Mallon to syndromo ths ellhnikis anasfaleias. Hasame ta xronia mas as mh xasoume kai to kelepouri pou siderwnei ta rouxa!! Thn kyriaki to proi mporeite oloi na eisaste sto Aerodromio "Athina 2004" opou o Master tha paralavei pisw to pistolaki tou pou to ksehase h kukuk gia na tou to epistrepsei.. Egw tha ths kounw kai to mantili tou apoxwrismou, virtual panta.... Antio pistolaki... !!!! Toulaxiston afto den tha perimenei ena mhna gia na parei apanthsh apo to yperperan
Kati psythirizetai pos thn epese kai sth Dalka. Omos h Dalka pistevw pos einai pio dynamikh kai panw sto gamisi kai sthn trela ths tha ton apoteleiosei (panathema ton). H Neckar pantws pou arnhthike kathgorimatika pos phge mazi tou otan katevhke athina... alla pios pistevei telika ti ginetai sto INTERNET? hahahahaha Kalo sas savvatokyriako! Se ligo pianw douleia (oxi tipote.. na xoume lefta na plhrwnoume to internet) LOL
Saturday, April 15, 2006
masterako KUKUK !!!
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